Monday 21 September 2009

walking on water

Back to the little beach at the Hah Haw puddle again, and sure enough, my bindings were removed and I ran free. No nice smelling lady dogs around this time, just more amassing squadrons of Mid Gees.

I think there's been a lot of other dogs here since last time, they've drank nearly all the puddle! I had to run much farther to get to the edge. I had been playing with Frizzy Bees and a ball for ages and was getting bored. With the puddle being almost gone, there were lots of interesting stones, even some that had hatched and left shells, but Furry-face had found really flat ones that bounced across the water.

I watched these flat stones skimming the water, I decided that if I ran fast enough, I too could skim over the surface… I ran really fast… I was… er… no. I only made it about a yard, just up to my belly. Furry was still bouncing flat stones, maybe I needed to be going in the same direction? I kept running, slowly because of the water, but I suddenly realised the ground had dropped from under me… I was doing it… I was running on water! OK, so I was a little lower than the stones, only my head was above the surface, but it was close enough.

Chewy said I was swimming, but I definitely wasn't wearing any silly Speedy pants!

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